Guess what?  I was right!  My intuition (or my guess) was boy right from day one.  On Friday, we went to a 4D ultrasound appointment and learned that our little one is a boy.  I am so happy!  No wonder a girl name wasn’t coming to me.

Baby Ryder is now 5 oz and over 4 inches long.  His head, crown to rump length and abdominal cavity were all on target for 15 weeks and 3 days but his femur was measuring at 16 weeks!  He’s got my femurs!  How cute. 🙂 

Only 24 weeks to go before I get to meet my little guy.  My sweet husband let me select four new outfits for him yesterday in honor of learning his gender.  We also spent way too long at Babies R Us registering.  Gus is the most patient daddy in town.  No other daddy would have put up with a marathon baby registry session.  We did pretty well for two people who have no idea what a baby needs.